0 12:13 Suwannee River Camping & Springs Ride I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor) Axel 9 years ago 258
2 05:01 JetSkiing the SJR at Rt 50 Still testing my new Giraffe Mount. This one has the Camera mounted half way at around 6′ off the deck of the Ski. Axel 9 years ago 138
0 04:01 Gulf Coast Tour ’15 A group of friends from 5 different states joined together to explore the waters around Gulfport and Biloxi. Axel 9 years ago 63
0 05:36 JetSki Trails -n- Fails Econ River in Orlando, FL was at 9.3′. This opened up new canals to explore. Axel 9 years ago 109
0 05:38 Econ River Deep Jet Ski Penetration Part 1 Deep into the Econ River on Jet Skis! Axel 9 years ago 147
0 04:57 JetSkiing a Flooded St Johns River Flooding along the St Johns River in Central Florida. This opened up some new canals and areas that not normally available. Axel 10 years ago 99